Salmon and Trout Eggs for Bait
Salmon or Trout eggs are one of the most effective baits for enticing Salmon, Steelhead and Trout to bite. When spawning fish are active in the streams, rivers, shoreline, or harbors they will often ignore all other baits and lures. Just float a egg spawn sack or cured skein past and tempt the salmon to hit. Do not forget that other trout, steelhead and salmon are waiting to eat the eggs from the spawning salmon.
Two different forms of Salmon and Trout Eggs

Salmon Skein

Loose Salmon Eggs

Chinook or King Salmon Eggs
Chinook or King Salmon generally spawn during the months of September thru October in the Great Lakes. Female salmon caught in the lake or rivers from July thru September will contain eggs in the form of skein. Loose eggs will appear when the spawning starts usually from the third week in September thru October. King salmon eggs and skein are an effective bait during the Fall months for all salmon, steelhead, and brown trout.
Coho or Silver Salmon Eggs
Coho or Silver Salmon generally spawn during the months of October thru November in the Great Lakes. Female salmon caught in the lake or rivers from July thru late September will contain eggs in the form of skein. Loose eggs will appear when the spawning starts usually in October. Coho salmon eggs and skein are an effective bait during the Fall months for all salmon, steelhead, and brown trout.
Steelhead or Rainbow Trout Eggs
Steelhead or Rainbow Trout generally spawn in the spring during the months of March thru May in the Great Lakes. Female trout caught in the lake or rivers from late fall thru the winter will contain eggs in the form of skein. Loose eggs will appear when the spawning starts usually in spring. Steelhead or Rainbow Trout eggs and skein are an effective bait during the winter and spring months for all salmon, steelhead, and brown trout.
Lake Trout Eggs
Lake Trout generally spawn in the Fall during the months of October and November in the Great Lakes. Female trout caught in the lake from August thru September will contain eggs in the form of skein. Loose eggs will appear when the spawning starts usually in October. Most Lake Trout spawn on deep reefs located in the Great Lakes. Lake Trout eggs are generally not used for bait, they are of poor quality. An option is to use Lake Trout eggs to catch Whitefish and Chubs that feed on their eggs during the spawning.
Brown Trout Eggs
Brown Trout generally spawn in the Fall during the months of October thru December in the Great Lakes. Female trout caught in the lake or rivers from August thru September will contain eggs in the form of skein. Loose eggs will appear when the spawning starts usually in October. Brown Trout eggs and skein are an effective bait during the late fall, winter and spring months for all salmon, steelhead, and brown trout.More Information about Salmon and Trout Eggs
- Collecting Salmon and Trout Eggs Technique for collecting single or loose salmon or trout eggs for fish bait.
- Removing Salmon and Trout Skein Technique for removing skein or roe from salmon and trout for fish bait.
- Curing Salmon and Trout Eggs, Technique #1 How to use commercial salmon and trout egg cures to preserve the spawn.
- Curing Salmon and Trout Roe, Technique #2 Technique on how to use commercial salmon egg cures for curing salmon roe.
- Curing Salmon and Trout Skein for Egg Clusters Technique on how to use commercial salmon egg cures for curing salmon or trout skein to make egg clusters.
- Air Curing Trout Skein for Egg Clusters Technique on how to air cure trout roe or skein, primarily used for Ice and Still fishing.
- Homemade Salmon and Trout Egg Cures How to make your own egg cures for preserving salmon and trout spawn for use as fishing bait in spawn sacks, single eggs and egg clusters.
- Adding Krill Scent to Salmon and Trout Eggs How to add krill scent to cured salmon eggs.
- Adding Krill Scent to Salmon Roe How to add krill scent to salmon roe berries.
- How to make Spawn Sacks How to make your own spawn sacks with salmon and trout eggs for use as bait.
- How to use a spawn sac machine Using a spawn sac machine can help simplify making spawn sacs.
- Freezing Spawn Sacs An angler friend Bill, freezes spawn sacs using uncured eggs.
- Adding Spawn Sac Floaters Adding Spawn Sac Floaters to make spawn sacs more bouyant.
- How to suspend Spawn Sacks How to suspend spawn sacks off the bottom using drift balls.
- Imitation Dough Bait Egg Clusters How to use a Troutberry Dough Bait Press to mold Imitation Trout or Salmon Egg Clusters.