How to cure and preserve skein from salmon or trout for egg clusters.
For the best bait possible cure and preserve only the best salmon and trout skein. You are wasting your time if you did not properly store the eggs prior to the curing process. You should cure the salmon or trout eggs within 24 hours of catching the fish. If possible bleed the fish prior to collecting or removing the the skein from the fish. The best method is to cut one or two of the gill plates. Blood in the eggs can ruin the eggs in less than an hour if not stored properly. Curing the salmon or trout skein allows you to store the eggs clusters in the refrigerator for a month or freezer for up to a year.

Step 1: You will need a two large plastic bowls, a plastic spoon, trout or salmon skein, paper towels, scissors, a plastic paint strainer, and a quality salmon egg cure.

Step 2: The skein is the membrane that holds the eggs inside the trout or salmon. The membrane has many folds that will be cut to form the egg clusters.

Step 3: Gently cut the skein where the folds of membrane meet.

Step 4: The membrane should hold the eggs tight in each fold.

Step 5: Cut the entire skein into multiple pieces using the folds as a guide where to cut. Lay the cut egg clusters flat.

Step 6: Place the egg clusters in the plastic bowl in layers. Sprinkle the salmon egg cure on each cluster.

Step 7: Repeat the process. Sprinkle each cluster that is placed into the bowl with the egg cure.

Step 8: Gently stir the egg clusters to distribute the egg cure evenly to all clusters.

Step 9: Place the curing egg clusters in the refrigerator for an hour.

Step 10: Gently transfer the cured salmon or trout clusters into the paint strainer.

Step 11: Drain the fluid from the eggs using the plastic paint strainer. Drain for at least 15 minutes. Discard the fluid, be careful as with most cures the fluid will stain most items. We use a plastic paint strainer because the curing fluid will ruin metal strainers.

Step 12: Place the cured salmon or trout egg clusters on several layers of white paper towels. Allow to air dry for several hours to overnight for firmer egg clusters.

Step 13: The cured egg clusters will have a rubbery texture and hold well on a hook.

Step 14: Place the cured egg clusters into plastic bags for storage in the refrigerator for a month or frozen for up to a year.