The purpose of this website is to provide an archive log of personal fishing trips and related activities. Early Morning SteelheadThe majority of the trips will focus on Salmon and Trout fishing on Lake Michigan. Fishing Lake Michigan from a boat and fishing the Lake Michigan Tributaries, Shoreline, Piers, and Harbors. Lake Michigan can be a year round fishery. Ice fishing in the harbors in the Winter months. Shore and tributary fishing for steelhead in early spring. Fishing from a boat from mid Spring thru Fall. Late Summer gives access to Salmon and Trout from both Shore fishing and Boats. Fall is the time of the spawning runs of the Salmon and Trout to both the Tributary Rivers and Shoreline of Lake Michigan. Late Fall thru first Ice is the time for fishing the Harbors for large Brown Trout. The fishing trip reports will mention tactics, techniques, baits, and lures used during the days fishing. The fishing reports will not reveal secret fishing spots or locations but will mention the general locations fished. Most of the fishing trips reported will be day trips to areas in Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin.