Lake Michigan Shore Fishing Trip to Kenosha, Wisconsin on 12/05/2003
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Go to the shopLake Michigan Shore Fishing Trip to Kenosha, Wisconsin on 12/05/2003
Its Friday afternoon and its windy again in Kenosha. This fall we have had strong winds on most weekends. The winds were 30 mph with gusts that must have been 40 mph. The entire lake side shoreline was ravaged by 4-5 foot rollers. The harbor area was not fishable because of the wind.
I arrived at the marina at 3:45 with about an hour to fish before sunset. The rocks on the north side of the marina blocked the wind at my back. Casting with the wind made casting lures easy. On the second cast I caught a nice born trout on a Gold ½ ounce Kastmaster. After a few more casts I switched to a Pflueger stick bait. After a few more cast I landed another brown trout. Another angler arrived at the marina and also started catching brown trout. They are normally resident in the harbors at this time of year. At times the brown trout really go into a feeding frenzy. I had one fish hit my lure and make three jumps where it cleared the water by 2-3 feet. I lost that fish during the fight. Then I had a massive hit on my lure. This fish fought like a king salmon, making a power run as soon as it was first hooked. After a 10 minute fight I was able to get the fish to shore. It was the largest male brown trout that I have seen this year. This fish was 30 inches long with a 22 inch girth. It weighted just over 18 pounds. The sunset was at 4:30 pm and it was starting to get dark. The fish continued to attack lures. I had another fish on for about four minutes, but lost him near the shore. I also had two more hits but did not hook the fish. As it was getting dark I decided to stop fishing. As I was packing I noticed that the back part of my lure with the second hook was missing. That explains why I was not hooking the fish, it probably broke off during the fight with the fish I lost and it was too dark to notice that it was broken. This trip lasted about one and a half hours and was one of my better trips this year.