Step 1: The minnows are placed into a plastic pail using the original water. Canning salt is added to create a brine solution. About half of a cup of salt per half gallon of water is used. Do not use tap water that contains chlorine. The bait is soaked in the brine for at least 1 hour. Keep the temperature of the bait and water cold. The brining helps purge the minnows and firm and tighten their scales. Save the brine solution, it will be used later in step 8.

Step 2: The minnows are then placed on paper towels. We like to place a piece of cardboard under the paper towels to help absorb the moisture.

Step 3: Carefully pat the minnows with another paper towel to help dry them.

Step 4: Canning salt is added to a plastic pail. You will probably need 2 cups of salt for a small batch of minnows. More salt can be added if required.

Step 5: Add the minnows one at a time to the plastic pail and roll them in the salt. They should be placed in the pail next to each other.

Step 7: After several hours the salt will remove fluid from the minnows. You do not want to remove too much fluid or the minnows will become too brittle.